Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Pyramids & the Sphinx

The highlight of our Egypt trip has been seeing the great Pyramids and the Sphinx. It was all very crowded and touristy but at least cooler. Most of our time in Egypt has been in heat wave conditions of 43 C.

Camel Ride in the Sahara Desert - next to the Pyramids at Giza

The Sphinx

A highlight - our balloon flight over the Valley of the Kings and the Nile

Egypt is interesting however we found Egyptians to not so friendly. Cairo is filthy and the air polluted. The Cairo Marriot was right in town and part of a palace - the grounds were beautiful. The Nile cruise was disappointing as most of the time you could smell fuel from the ships that go up and down - tourist central

1 comment:

  1. ..well that answers my earlier question about seeing the Pyramids up a little closer. How big was the Sphinx? I always thought it was huge, but it looks small..
