Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Last day in Istanbul, Turkey

 First sight seeing venture today was to revisit the Grand Bazaar. We caught the tram up the hill (only 3 stops)  and went shopping for a 100% silk shawl. The young guy who sold them to us was very interesting & invited us into his tiny shop for a free apple tea & a chat so he could improve his English. 

  We visited the Basilica Cistern, a vast underground water cistern from the Byzantine period. We followed the walkways to the mixed sounds of classical music and dripping water.The cistern’s roof is held up by 336 columns, each over 8 meters (26ft) high. We saw the two columns that rest on Medusa head bases which are thought to mark a shrine to the water nymphs. The lighting and height of the columns, the fish swimming and the fact that you are underground with normal buildings & shops above you made it a real experience.

Whirling Dervishes

 The Whirling Dervishes Sufi Music Concert and Sema Ceremony was held at the Sirkeci Central Train Station, home of the famous Orient Express. Seats were moved into the grand room for the performance by the Contemporary Lovers of Melvana Society – woman also participate in this less traditional version. The musical accompaniment was excellent and highly symbolic with the reed flute representing the breath of God. The whirling is the climax of the sema ritual and it was certainly a unique experience.

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