Thursday, September 30, 2010

Touring Mainland Greece

On our way to Delphi we had a stop at a coffee shop in the seaside town of Nafpaktos.This port city is absolutely beautiful with ancient forts, small marina and the typical European narrow cobblestone streets. We sat by the water with our ‘Freddo’ iced chocolate and took in the view.  All the coffee shops and restaurants have outdoor settings but were not busy as it was Greek siesta time, so the tourist buses were the cliental. We all agreed that this really is the true Greek experience.

In Delphi, the ancient Greeks chose the site for their most sacred and famed oracle, Apollo.  The area comprises an ancient theatre, a Stadium and a Museum which houses numerous statues from the area. The weather was cloudy with a few drops of rain but still quite humid. We saw the Treasury of the Athenians and the Temple Of Apollo. We walked to the top to see the Stadium, which was well preserved and actually looked like a stadium. It is just amazing to think of the history involved in this site. 

There are 24 monasteries at Meteora on the summits but only 6 monasteries are inhabited - four monasteries are for monks and two monasteries for nuns. The views down to Kalambaka and the surrounding vertical rocks were real Kodak moments. The visit to Meteora left us with an unforgettable impression of natural beauty and history. The morning was definitely the highlight of the trip.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's your man bag, Alan, but this photo looks like it belongs in South America on the Inca trail or something. I didn't realise it was so mountainous there..
